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Our days come and go... Days filled with people, victories, disappointments, triggers and environments impact our systems of emotions, thoughts and feelings. The passing of these days re-frame us down to the second because we want, yearn and defend ourselves through our conditioned projections of self.

I wonder though, what would it be, for you to take in everything that you experience without the judgment of expectation and rather The Presence of Noticing.

Noticing the "NOW" in what it is you are given and how you can chose to be in it rather than react to it out of the judgment. Embracing the surrender so much that you release the need for control yet embody the power of choice. Rather deciding how to hold the space of now rather than kicking it around, having it turn you upside down or trigger you to some other degree, being consumed with what "should be" as it spins you into a reaction of disjointed emotion impacting how these days come and go to a point that you have missed out on it. There, yet not with it, in agreement with experience.Missed out on allowing frustrations to be felt yet let goMissed out on saying yes to the moment rather than #ICANT or #HELLNAW

Missed out on a yes meaning you come first yet nothing else has to be harmed

Missed out on acknowledging your mind body or soul so it can release

Missed out on forgiveness love or compassion which regenerates your embodiment of self

As we come into what we call the "New Year" I'm reminded that it is a fabricated cultural affair of movement reflection and relationship to our experience yet there is a truth in there rather always being a "New Now"... that there is always and forever will be right now and it is the only thing realer that our memories of before and desires for what is to come.

NOW serves us the opportunity of choice. We can choose to complain, shame, blame, and retain but how sweet it would be to digest an experience and notice ourselves while choosing to act rather than react, to think rather than respond, to represent for ourselves while also understanding nothing is taken from us unless we give it away. Thus anger, frustration, pain and conflict only needs a second and from there we can make anything what we wish because the experience is our own not the dependent on what we want, yearn and need defend. We have always had all that we need. I believe that the way we want things abuses the use of emotional mental and physical space so much so our NOTICE is blinded and we miss out on everything abundantly being provided.

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