CLOSURE: Free WRITE prompts

CLOSURE: Free WRITE prompts
So last week folks really liked a charge to action with the free write to self to explore forgiveness so here is one for pursuing or initiating closure:
The practice of CLOSURE
Make a List of 3 people you think of when you feel dilemma or conflict within you. Write them in order of priority In relationship to length of time you have been holding tension in your emotional spirit. Person 1: ______________________ Person 2: ______________________ Person 3: ______________________
Identify which person, that if it were your last days living, you feel like you need to say confront, apologize to, or tell them 'I love you'
Analysis: take a fresh sheet of paper and write the persons name down and write the following
FOR YOURSELF 1. What you would have changed? 2. What do you have the power to develop within yourself to show up with more light, compassion or love in relationship to the tension/conflict that has developed, even if it was just with yourself. 3. What did you need from them to feel more supported in the relationship?
FOR YOU & THEM Write a list of sentences for this person that starts of with the following and then complete the sentence. _________ (name) I want to apologize for... _________ (name) I want to forgive you for... _________ (name) I love you because
Now is there anyone you want to actually bring this to? It is totally up to YOU!
In the case that you do, it is important to have balance in your expectations. This ACTION is the work that was meant for you. Your work has been done. Passing it along to the person you chose is a gift of closure. What they do with it is their choice. Before you pass it along find a place within you where you can accept this truth.
Hopefully you come to find that this process is an opportunity for you to forgive yourself and this creates space and capacity for the tension and loss in the relationship with the person you chose to have closure as well.