New Moon Actions:
1.Own the tranformative challenges to change (evolve) that have been tugging at you.
2. Practice Compassion
- Blessings, Anyanwu
"The Aries New Moon is on March 30th 2014 at 12:44 p.m. MT. The Sun and Moon are at 9 degrees 58 inches Aries and is conjunct Uranus (12 degrees Aries) and asteroid Juno (14 degrees Aries). The Sun/Moon/Uranus/Juno are square Pluto (13 degrees Capricorn) and square Jupiter (11 degrees Cancer) creating a T-square configuration.All Aries New Moons mark the beginning of astrological new beginnings and are about setting intentions around action, moving forward, passion, self-identity, how you begin things, personally. " - http://www.examiner.com/article/aries-new-moon-march-30th-the-grand-cross-april-21-2014